Upcoming events.
Body lab is coming to Brooklyn
11/9 & 11/10
Please join Rie Katagiri for this 2-Day BODY LAB Immersion in NYC that will up level your ability to work in an embodied way.
If you are a filmmaker, dancer or working in the movement and healing arts, this 2-Day Immersion will get you to be more INTIMATE with your own BODY, to TRUST your body and work in ways that will foster deeper support for your craft.
Body Lab is a guided and experiential space for everyone but originally created for directors, actors, writers and creatives. The practice reinforces your ability to be fully present and authentically connected to your body.
Do you want to awaken and work with your own body hunger so you can embody the deepest part of your project?
We will do exercises to let our senses guide us into our somatic awareness, because when you have more access to the body, we gain the ability to be present, in the moment, to feel what is true; this regenerative process excites the creative process and can even move blocks and stagnant energy.
Understanding Qi (life force) in every choice you make will keep your project moving,
Through full body movement practices and science backed understanding of our nervous system, we can better engage and set up a positive environment for your creative team.
Over the 2-Days we will develop better somatic awareness and travel on our very own connective tissue between emotion, body and impulse.
about this workshop
Join this special two day weekend workshop in person in New York.
Date: November 9 & 10
Time: Sat 1-6 PM, Sun 1-6 PM
Tuition: $300
You will need a Coregeous Ball, and Classic Sized Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls for this workshop. Get yours here. Or you can purchase them from me at the workshop.
SIgn up
more details
We will work barefoot unless you have an injury or chronic pain.
You will need to bring a yoga mat or blanket for padding and Yoga Tune Up balls (sizes: Corgeous + Classic) for this work - get them here.
Please bring water to drink.
Dress to move with ease, like yoga or athletic wear.
$300 for full weekend / Spots are first reserved for those who can attend both days. Write to us if you can only make it for one day, and we’ll put you on the waitlist.
A limited sliding scale ticket is available for those who need it and can commit to both days - reach out to me via email.
ART/New York's South Oxford Space
138 South Oxford Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217
*NOTE: This event was created to support the JSFL Community in NYC but open to all ♥️
If you are brand new to working with Rie, feel free to reach out to see if this immersion is right for you.
email: hello@riekatagiri.com
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