vitality & wellness

Body, Mind & Spirit as one system

After 20 years of licensed hands-on bodywork in Los Angeles, Rie has evolved her work to be more sustainable for her body and to be available to work with more people. A session with Rie as your your wellness coach will provide you with clear and accessible ways to navigate your body, mind and spirit health.

Here are some areas you can receive personalized holistic wellness support:

  • pain, stress, tension management

  • embodiment coaching to prepare you for a big event

  • creative ways to play and move

  • partner embodiment and loving touch

  • womb vitality to support fertility

  • show up in the world empowered by somatic sovereignty

Rie skillfully meets her clients where they are with sensitivity and compassion with science backed exercises as well as intuitively guided practices grounded in Wisdoms and techniques from Japanese acupressure, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Rule of 5 (pain & orthopedic assessment), Myo-fascial self massage, Yoga, Qi Gong and dance.

Begin this beautiful journey if you are ready to lovingly and honestly commit to making your body, mind, spirit balance a priority.

*working with Rie should be supplemental to a board certified doctor and psychologist for those seeking healing from serious health and mental health conditions.

everyone’s healing journey is unique.

  • It all begins with desire. What is the most appealing part of beginning this deep work? The more clear you are about your wellness and vitality goals the more efficient and clear your steps will be.

    Commitment requires a fire in your belly as well as compassion for yourself during the journey. Commitment also is a great ally because it is loyal by nature.

  • The body holds the cards to our vitality. We need to be relatively flexible and strong in order for our vital chi to move throughout the body. When we don’t move enough or we are too tight from working out too much, the body may be in atrophy or hyper vigilance. The nervous system will also be affected by these dynamics. Your coaching will be tailored to your body’s current conditions

  • Since we are living biological beings that are essentially driven by biochemical reactions occurring at the molecular level.

    The way we feel in our body is often predicated on how well our organs are functioning. If you ever wondered why I can stretch forever and never get flexible or we might have chronic pain or get regular headaches and have only been advised to take ibuprofen but feeling frustrated that its not getting to the root of your pain.

    Looking at what is coming into our body through foods, drink, medications, plant meds, environmental toxins, etc. can be useful to see if a simple cleanse can clear out some toxicity from our system and bring ease to our life. Toxicity is a “catch-all” word I use to describe this uneasy state that inflames our organs and affects how are muscles work.

  • Scar tissue from accidents, sports injuries, birth trauma, surgery or any number of physical traumas that have changed and created limited movement will interfere with Qi moving and restoring health to the area. This is the realm of a skilled transformational bodyworker that isn’t afraid to go very deep into structural reorganization.

  • According to Traditional Chinese Medicine that is rooted in Taoism, asks us to understand spirit and invite it into the conscious part of our life. The inclusion of owning what connects us to something bigger and mysterious than our limited human-centric self, can aligns us to resources beyond what antiquated systems have led us to believe is all there is for us. Thus empowering us to wake up our innate healing potential.

    Pure creativity flows from many places like the cosmos, nature, art, magic, imagination, other living beings and the realm of the spiritual.

    The balance of body, mind and spirit can give us a stable ground that is created through our individualism, this asks us to dismantle gatekeepers that have kept us from our authentic self.

  • To understand our body from a holistic view point, an assessment into how our emotional state is resulting in tension that is leading to mobility, alignment, posture and general health issues is necessary. Rie can educate how to mobilize certain joints, free up breathing, practices that ease the nervous system to begin moving the body with more ease through compassionate guidance. The space will be held for you to start letting go of the layers that have imprisoned you through anger, sadness and fear living in your body.


Let’s chat

Email to schedule a convo with Rie. Or click the button below to set up your first mini session.


-Thich Nhat Hanh